Why did I start this blog?
For the past five years, I have been blogging within the intranet of Macaw, the company that I work for. I enjoy sharing ideas with my colleagues in our blogs. But I cannot share stuff that is behind the Macaw firewall with “outsiders”.
On the internet, I am an enthousiastic Flickr user. I like to share my photos, get feedback, find inspiring images and discuss interesting photos that others have taken – not just my current friends, but also complete strangers. That can result in unexpected insights, from unexpected people.
And I appreciate others blogging on the internet. When I search for specific information, I often find the answer in a blog. It is not fair to just read, without contributing as well, is it?
So what was lacking was a place where I can develop ideas outside the company context and share them with other people. That problem is easily remedied nowadays.
Hence this blog.