my world of work and user experiences

December 31, 2009

SharePoint 2010: Interface of the Public Beta

Filed under: SharePoint — Tags: — frederique @ 17:51

In my previous post, I could only show images of the “secret” Beta. Here is what the Public Beta looks like by default. It’s not shockingly different from the secret beta, but is has evolved a bit.

Public beta - content page

Public beta - content page

They have cleaned up obvious obviously beta-looking things, like the language labels: instead of ‘en-us’ you see the full ‘English’ (I’m not sure what happened to the ‘us’ versus ‘uk’ distinction).
The Quick Launch has been styled. They have added an overview of ‘Recently modified’ to the Quick Launch.
On the other hand they have removed clutter from the ribbon, such as the separate buttons for ‘Edit HTML Source’  and ‘Convert to XHTML’ that have been moved into one dropdown called HTML. I guess the audience is not supposed to need single click HTML code manipulation.

So I suppose this will basically be what the launched product will look like – until you customize the look & feel of course.

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