DW24, twenty-four hours immersed in the world of Digital Workplaces. Guided tours, discussions, inspiration, lessons learned. Granted, I had to sacrifice most of my night’s sleep, but it was worth it.
This used to be the IBF24 marathon about intranets. But intranets have expanded so far into platforms for collaboration and social interaction that it makes more sense to talk about digital workplaces.
These are the things that struck me most:
- A lot of participants emphasized that is it about meeting the business needs rather than the technology
- Gamification can stimulate, but be careful how you use it, or it will just be “pointification” (Accenture has years of experience with this kind of motivational design)
- Story-telling can work to engage: user tell their stories
- Complete, integrated digital workplace is much appreciated (Virgin has a Cisco based platform for internal collaboration that includes voice messages and everything)
- Organisations with customers or departments in Asia or Africa go for a “light” homepage (e.g. IBM: search and three boxes with a couple of headlines)
- Homepages can be unusual (big personal picture and important links; XL, AMP) or -well- ugly (Weston) but if you can get to key content and functionality from there, it works…
- Homepages usually contain: links to my tools and sites, news, social/culture elements. Some directly on the page, some behind a button.
Great that you followed it!
Comment by Mike — June 7, 2013 @ 12:24
[…] a moment. A good case of eating our own dogfood – or drinking our own champagne. I have watched earlier editions, and I will watch future editions whenever […]
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