A physicist by training, I developed in my PhD thesis a model for scientific articles in an electronic environment.
After that, I moved my interest in information structures and user needs to a different domain: business analysis. Working at a design agency specializing in web design, I was responsible for the functional design and interaction design of complex websites.
My work
Now, I work at the Macaw Workplace Solutions Center of Macaw, where I’ve been doing digital workplace projects since 2004: portals and collaboration sites for various clients, from hospitals to multinationals. My focus is on the business side, and how I can help the business achieve their goals. I do that with Office 365, but also by promoting user adoption.
Macaw is a IT service company that does innovative projects using Microsoft technology. We develop internet sites, Information Worker solutions, applications and BI solutions, and we also provide services like strategy consultancy and application services.
In my line of work, it is hard to pinpoint the job title that best fits what I do: business consultant, information analyst, functional designer, information architect, … Currently, my official job title is Information Worker Solutions consultant.
My blog
This blog allows me to jot down my notes and thoughts, share them and discuss them. It is mostly on information worker stuff and internet.